Mike Zinobile
Juniata Valley School District

Mike Davignon
Stiffler, McGraw, and Associates, Inc.

Barbara Covert
Huntingdon County CareerLink

Dee Dee Brown

Brenda Cerett
Arize Federal Credit Union

Denny Cisney, Jr.
Cisney & O'Donnell Builders & Remodelers

Marissa Davis
Penn Highlands Community College

Ann Dunlavy
Lincoln Caverns, Inc. & Whisper Rocks

Susan Harry
Huntingdon County Treasurer

Amanda Jenkins
State Farm Agency

Kristy Knouse
ReKlaimed Vines Winery and Vineyard

Heidi Leonard
Kish Bank

Diana McClure
Keller Engineers

Lawrence Newton

Doug Roles
Valley Rural Electric

Michael Simone
Friend of the Chamber

Scott Walls
Huntingdon County Commissioner

Betsy Whitsel
Cassville Country Store and Restaurant

Gary Williams
Mutual Benefit Group

Shannon Winstead
Huntingdon Vision Center

Thomas Yoder
Huntingdon Borough Mayor

MacKenzie Huntsman

Lorena LaGroue
Program Director